Question & Answer with Dr Amy Whittaker

Dr Amy Whittaker is a Consultant Paediatrician at Leading Steps Paediatrics.

Each month we answer questions about our paediatricians.
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Q. Why did you choose the Gold Coast to live, work and raise your family?

A. Why wouldn’t you want to live here? It's just beautiful and perfect for families. We felt it would be easier to achieve a better  work-life balance on the Coast.

 Q. What drew you to medicine, and then paediatrics?

A. I have wanted to be a paediatrician from about the age of 14.
For me it was always about working with children, medicine was almost an afterthought.

Q. If you didn’t become a doctor what would you be?

A. primary school teacher

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Q. What are you looking forward to this year?

A. I am looking forward to starting our latest research project “PaddlePop” (Penicillin Allergy De-Labelling in Paediatric OutPatients ).

Q. What tips have helped you keep fit with a busy job and a young family?

 A. I’m afraid I don’t have any tips, I think it is really hard trying to balance everyone needs, but for me I am always happier if I have managed to squeeze in some exercise, even if that means pitching up to the school drop off with wet hair and no makeup!

Q. Last book you read?

A. The last book I read was Shiver, by Allie Reynolds. She a local author who is enjoying well deserved international success with her debut novel. It is not my usual genre, but I purchased the book after listening to her speak at a recent Storyfest event and definitely don’t regret it.

Q. Favourite family outing/activity?

A. My boys always have the best time playing in the waves.

 Q. What book do you enjoy reading to your children?

I have the most fun reading 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt with me youngest’. 

 Q. Do you prefer the rainforest hinterland or the beach?

We spend most of the time at the beach or creek, but it is the hinterland where I feel  most relaxed and happiest.

 Q. If you could change anything in Australia for today’s children, what would it be?

It is our children who will bear the brunt of climate change, so if I could change anything, it would be that. We are already starting to experience the impacts of climate change in terms of devastating bushfires, floods and droughts . It is really quite scary to think about what the future might look like for them.


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